Wednesday, October 14, 2009

i think that I need to chill for a bit.

I just wrote a 4 and a half page letter to Eric #1. He is in vue again. Buig suprise right. no not really..anyway. I am sending it tomorrow because I know if I don't I never will and he needs to know everything.

I didnt end up going on a date with Eric #2, but I did however still go on a date. His name was Danny and you are going to laugh when I tell you how it all went down.

First off idk if you can really call it a date because al we did was go hang at the high school by my house..anyway he had the idea of going and laying in the middle of the FB field, which would have been ok if we didnt have to hop a fence to get over. Anywho. So yea me being this clumsy person, hopped and was soing good until the landing part came along. yea I fell. I was laughing for like 10 minutes. so its ok if your laughing..cuz I sure was..the we had to hop over again to get back to his car, all because he wanted a cigarette..can you say eww..

So yea I did better the second time. only landed on my feet and hands instead of my the dude wanted a lap know what I had to say to that


then he wanted a kiss and I just met this dude so no..

yea sooooo bleh!

final words: dude white girl no no hop fence

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