Saturday, July 17, 2010


Got my first sonogram yesterday
I was so happy
and Jon was smiling so I know he was happy
I will post the pictures asap
my scanner is hatin
I love life right now
only thing is I wash I could be with Tasha and Paul :(
I miss them

Oh and Im 12 weks and 2 days

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Long Time Catch up :)

Alright so its been a long while since I last wrote in this blog.
Well now I actually have some time and I have some news for any of my readers that are still reading..
Hold on to your panties ladies and gentlemen
I am pregnant..
Stall wih Jon :)
I love him
Wow that was easy to say
should it be that easy?
well it is either way
I havnt said it to him yet except once when I was drunk..
but ther than that I am afraid to
any advice
I am about 3 months along and I barf up everything that smells like food.. :)
lol I think ts funny but only because
well I laugh alot lately lol
I am just so happy I cant really explain it
Jon and I now have an apartment together and are very happy
I am so glad to be out of my moms house.
I was so crowded and I felt like a was going to fly off the roof
if she told me i was getting fat one more time
well now she knows why I am gaining weight..
little baby on the way.
I might just start a whole new blog on my pregnany
then maybe one on matherhood
what do you think???
good idea? bad idea?