Monday, September 14, 2009

Josh can be so cute. I love it, but then its not a clear feeling im getting. Like he is a major flirt, but maybe that is all he is doing. Flirting.

I went and saw a movie tonight. Time Traveler's Wife. It was really good. Kinda slow to start btu it was funny and I had a good time..Girls went to one movie boys to another.

We are sending Simon back to Germany. He is being such a jerk and he doesnt know what the word privacy means. Lucky on the other hand is so awesome. He is funny and heunderstands that he has to do what we do because that s the whole point of being a foreign exchane student right. To learn how to live in our culture. Simon jst isnt willing to do that. He doesnt even want to give it a try.

I am so tired. I am going to cut this one short. Iwill leave you with a message in my head.

Love is never fake, it doesnt have to make sense, or follow any rules. It just is what it is, and you cant choose when you fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I read most of your posts and I see that you have a lot on your plate right now. Love trouble, school trouble, friend trouble. I honestly don't know what to tell you since I don't know you or the situation. But know that you're never alone, and when things seem like they'll never get better, they will. Keep your head up beautiful. It'll be alright.
