So right away this morning my day started off TERRIBLE! My mom comes in and she asks me to put the dogs outside. So I do. Except for my moose of a dog Pumba (i was watching lion king when I named him). I let him stay in my room just because I haven't really been giving him that much attention lately. I felt bad so I let him stay in. But she got all pissy and yelled and then gave me a chore. Sweeping! GAWWW!!! I hate sweeping with a passion. I mean it wouldn't be so so bad if I didn't have to do it every frickin day. Which I do. There is something you need to know about my mom though. She is a MAJOR clean freak. Like if my house isn't like 100% spotless she has to clean everything all over again. I swear she spends 98.9% of her day cleaning.I am not even exaggerating when I say that.
Anyway. So I decide hey I'm in a bad mood already lets just make it worse. OK I didn't really think that, but you know when you are caught up in a moment and you just fire off at will. Well that's how it went. So she was like. I want you out of my house in two days. Of course I freak out. So I call my sister crying. She lives in Sacramento, asking if I can come stay with her for a couple days, because I know my mom will cool of she just needs time. Same thing happened with my sister. only I guess she cooled off really fast cuz she came home from the Blue Angel Air Show and everything was all hunky dory again. Yippee? you would think so right. So just to make sure that she isn't still pissy with me. I say "hey mom you want me to sweep now." and she is like "yea just let me wipe the counters first" which is great cuz that is always her response. So I'm guessing we are good again. WE are never good good. but we are at least on the same hemisphere of cranky now.
So I called, well texted, my sister back and was like I guess I'm not coming to sac after all, which is fine with her cuz she is stayin at her friend Orygen's house anyway.I love that kid, OK I love his cuteness. lol. He is the "chosen one" for the whole Buddhist society I guess. Which is way cool.Its like knowing a celeb. tight! lol He is a major brat though.
Then my mom is like no cell phones on Sundays. turn them all off. And of course I'm freaking on the inside because of Josh and Jaclyn and Brit. Which is two whole other stories I will get to in a sec. So I sneak my phone until she is in bed. I know bad Codyann. slap on the wrist slap on the wrist.
Brit texts me out of nowhere around four and she is like guess who I am hanging with these days. And of course Tasha already gave me the summary. Brit and Jaclyn have been hanging out with Lyle and Forrest again. Forrest is the dude in the hat.

Little background on that situation. I met Lyle and Forrest on my 17th birthday and I had a major thing for Lyle. hes a cutie how could I resist and I guess he was totally feelin me cuz he was like CHOCOLATE! I WANT THE CHOCOLATE OFF HER! lol..little bday tradition we have had for a while. anyway. Well it turns out Jaclyn cheated on her boyfriend at the time (Robert: sorry don't have or want a pic of him) With guess who Lyle. So Jesse her CURRENT! boyfriend, is like hey I don't care if you hang but I want to know about it. Which he has every right to know. I think. And Forrest is telling Brit how much he wants to be with her and how he loves her, and the two have never even dated and of course she isn't going
to listen to me and Tasha's advice because she has this dildo cooing in her ear. Anyway. So Jaclyn and Brit are hanging with them and they call Tasha. They are like can you have Cory(the dude right there <--) cover for us because we don't want Jesse and Christina to know we are hanging with them. I think that is SO fucked up. if you love someone why hide things from them. Especially bfs! anyway so Brit asks me her opinion and I tell he exactly how I feel and she tells Jaclyn and Jaclyn is like you don't know the whole situation and you are always judging us and you don't have to do that. and I'm like I told Brit I didn't want to give my input because I knew she wouldn't like it and we would end up fighting. which is exactly what happened. So those two aren't speaking to me now. I mean I understand Jaclyn's point of view but she should be mad at Brit. That convo wasn't between me and her it was between me and Brit. Oh well we always stop talking for a couple days and it will be all better in like 3 days. I don't think I was in the wrong at all. Considering Brit is the one who asked for my opinion in the first place. Even after I said it would lead to a fight. She risked it, but then again so did I.

Then Josh sends me this text, saying I am one of the best friends he has and he is going to miss me and he is moving away pretty soon and he hopes I have good luck in the future and he loves me and he will always love me. So I am freaking out thinking he is saying good bye to me or something, so I text him freaking out saying hey dude whats wrong are you OK. he didn't text back so I texted again. still no answer. I email. Then he texts me saying he is staying with our friend Shawn because there is drama at his house and he doesn't want to be there and he does have good cell service so it takes him a bit to text So I tell him to disregard the email. Cuz It was like saying if your saying good bye then come do it in person. I love you and I cant have you slipping away again. you are like a best friend to me now. You cant just pop in and out of my life so if this is a good bye then please come do it in person. So i hope he doesn't read it, bu he probably will anyway. Ha. Oh well I'm and prepared for his write back.
Then I tried to call Tasha but she is sick. sadness. Because she is like the only one who knows the way my head works. and so I know this blog may be a bit confusing but its because I didn't get to sort out all my thoughts and file them all pretty in my head like I usually do with Tasha because when I called her mom was like she is sleeping. Its he moms birthday um..34 minutes today. and so I told her I loved her and happy birthday and yeah. Told her to tell Tasha I love her and to have her call or text when she feels better.
Final words from my day: Sort your head b4 you blog it out. Jeez sorry for the verbal bad..I blame Tasha lol..jk jk.
1 comment:
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